My Weight Loss TIcker

Friday, October 22, 2010

What about fiber and juicing?

Dietary fiber is important and I know it slows down how quickly the sugar from your fruit or vegetable enters you blood stream. The reason many raw vegans juice is in order to get a huge vitamin mineral "supplement" without taking capsules or tablets of artificially created vitamins and minerals. The nutritional boost is impressive and carries far less risk than pills or capsules. When you juice produce that has lower amounts of sugar, such as cucumbers, celery, and greens, the risk of raising your blood sugar is decreased, but you still get the marvelous mega-shot of nutrients entering your bloodstream within approximately five minutes. In a typical day of eating all raw vegan, you will have far more than enough fiber, more than thirty grams. Adding juice is extra insurance that you will get plenty of concentrated nutrients into your bloodstream.